Saturday, December 28, 2019

Corrosion Definition

Corrosion Definition: Corrosion (from the Latin word corrodes, meaning to gnaw) is the irreversible damage or destruction of living tissue or material due to a chemical or electrochemical reaction. Example: A prime example of corrosion is rusting of iron or steel.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Interracial Relationships And How The Media Portrays Them...

This paper discusses interracial relationships and how the media portrays them from the ABC sitcom How to Get Away with Murder. Interracial relationships have always been frowned up for years and years. Many cultures want you to date your own race and not explore other cultures, especially the Caucasian and African American community. While the inequality among people from different cultures has existed for centuries from racial discrimination and prejudice, the barrier for certain groups seem to not be decreasing. People from various racial groups have been progressively working and going to class together, while, with the racial crevices in wage narrowing, neighborhoods consumed by whites in the past have turned out to be more reasonable for individuals from racial minorities. As a consequence of physical nearness, there are open doors for interracial relationships. Blended race offspring of interracially wedded couples additionally have a tendency to convey racial groups because of their companion systems, which are racially heterogeneous, while racial limits are further obscured by the developing blended race population. There has been a move in attitudes toward interracial marriage after some time and an expansion in interracial relational unions. The pattern in unions of individuals from various racial groups is an indication at racial and ethnic relations is enhancing and racial and ethnic qualifications are separating. Likewise, the expansion in interracialShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Television On Family Structure1901 Words   |  8 Pagestraditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family†. The ideal of what a traditional family entails have changed since the last few decades. What happened to the family structure? Where did traditions go? How does television impact the family structure? Due to societal changes, the impact of divorce, and media influence, the traditional family structure has diminished because of less cohesion and more

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Role of Fashion Affecting Youth free essay sample

ROLE OF STUDENTS IN BUILDING NATION hi jd . students are building stones of a nation bcoz their curiosity to learn and their excitement to do something new for a country work wonders, and they are really very energetic. and they have a thirst for knowledge which can help develop a countryt like india . who knows that maybe a student will make india a super power in 1-2 years. so thats it . bye fashion affecting youth Fashion has now become unseparate part of youth. Fashion effects to our lives by getting us involved something new. Maybe it depends on the weather or seasonal change. In my opinion, there are two points positive and negative effects of fashion on youth. First of all, I could say about positive effects of fashion, that girls or boys use of fashion to attract representatives of their contrary part. For example, every young people want to have fashionable dressing couple. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Fashion Affecting Youth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They pay attention to one another clothes, hairstyle, jewellery and so on. By this way, they seem having attractive appearance and give pleasure each others. Thus, it cause good relation between them. After looking at this example, we can see obviously advantage part of fashion for youth. In spite of previous example, we can point out negative effect. At present, youth think only new fashion and this cause spending much money. Therefore, they are not able to take notice other needs. As a matter of fact, my friends or group mates dispense their profits to clothes, hair style and others. Eventually, they are obliged to borrow money from their friends. For instance, clearly shows, that to pursue just the fashion take out hopeless result. As a result, here to elicit advantage and disadvantage effects of fashion on youth’s life. Every youngster must know this, if they keep with the fashion, they must do it according their opportunities. Prepare for board exam [pic] Study Study Study How to Prepare for Exams in a Short Time [pic]User-Submitted Article When the exams are just round the corner and you dont have enough time to prepare, cramming is the best option. Well cramming is not something that is good for the students but life is not all about studying so when you dont study regularly, CRAMMING is inevitable. [pic]Difficulty: Moderately Challenging Instructions Things Youll Need: †¢ Study Material †¢ Pen Paper OR Computer †¢ Sharp Mind 1. 1 Get yourself a fully relaxed mind. Choose a place where there is peace and no noise or disturbances etc. 2. 2 Gather your study material in a logical way. Arrangement may be in order of topics you will prepare first or the topics in order of their importance or in the order the topics were covered in the class. 3. 3 The real business starts now. Study the topic first by quickly going through the whole text. Now you have the main idea of the topic or the subject. You cant cram everything so make key notes, points, keywords. 4. 4 [pic] [pic]Point-wise Summary This is the most important step. So try to follow it. After going through the topic well, prepare a brief summary of the whole chapter/topic. Make it in a way that all the contents are in the shape of points and are arranged in such a logical order that there is a main title first, then the subtitles and so on. Assign numbers to the points/titles so you will remember them easily and in case you forget some of these, your brain might stimulate to remember missing ones. 5. 5 Make the summaries of all the topics you have covered as explained in the above step. 6†¦Now get some sleep or have a break after you are done with the study material. Give a last review to all the topic summaries you have prepared just minutes before the exam.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leadership Attributes

Question: What do we mean by leadership. Answer: Leadership attributes Individuals may well be attracted to, selected for, or successful in leadership roles early in their lives and careers based on their analytic intelligence. However, it is very important to first understand what is really meant by the term leadership. According to Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy in their 8th edition on leadership, leadership is a process that involves influencing others towards achieving a set of group goals. Many people like to think that they can make good leaders but the most important question to ask yourself is, do you have what it takes to influence and direct others toward achieving the laid out goals?. In as much as some people are born with the ability to lead, there is more to leadership than just being able to stand in front of a group of people and use the power of words to influence these people to do something. It takes much more to be a good leader and this where the issue of experience, intelligence and wisdom comes in. Good leadership requires intelligence and wisdom. People tend to confuse the meanings of these terms by thinking that wisdom is just another term for intelligence. However, there is a difference between the two. Intelligence is the ability of the mind to comprehend, use thought and reasoning for problem solving and is a quality that every leader should have but intelligence as a stand-alone tool for leadership is not as effective. There is need to couple it with other aspects such as wisdom. Wisdom refers to the deep understanding of the reality of things, events and situations. It is therefore very important for a leader not only to be able to comprehend situations but also to have a deep understanding, so as to be able to deal with situations with the thoroughness that leadership matters require. Over time, the experience that leaders gain when dealing with matters of leadership helps in making them wiser so that they are able to handle situations better. The meaning of leadership Effective leader behaviour depends on many variables. It follows that there is no simple prescription for effective leader behaviour, which begs the question, is effective leadership merely a matter of opinion or subjective preference? I do believe that every person has their own understanding of effective leadership. What one might consider good leadership, another person might consider poor leadership. This is because just as different people have different personalities and ways of doing things so do leaders. Different leaders have different ways of doing things, for instance; one leader may prefer to involve his team members, consult them in some matters and even roll up his sleeves and join his team members in doing what needs to be done in a bid to achieve their goals. An example being, in a company, the team leader of a group of workers in a certain department may involve his team members in setting up goals for that department to be achieved within a given period of time and may even go out of his way to actually be involved in some activities towards goal achievement while on the other hand another leader could prefer laying out guidelines, dictating and allocating duties to his team members who report to him about the progress. It is clear that these two leaders have different ways of handling issues, the first one getting involved and working side by side with his team members while the other one dictating and giving out orders to his team members while expecting results and progr ess to be reported back to him. This goes to show that effective leadership is a matter of opinion. Hughes, Giginnett and Curphy have clearly illustrated in their 8th edition on leadership about what leadership is all about. According to them, leadership is a framework made up of three aspects; the leader, the followers and the situation. Leadership cannot exist without these three fundamental aspects. A leader needs to acknowledge his followers while the followers need to respect their leaders and work with their leaders in order to be able to achieve their goals. Leaders are basically the torch bearers when it comes to goal achievement because they are the ones who come up with brilliant ideas as well as ways and strategies of achieving these goals. On the other hand, the leaders should also acknowledge that they have a great responsibility of ensuring that they deliver what is required of them. They should also work with followers in accomplishing these goals that is followers should not feel left out in the leadership process. Also of importance is to note that there is always a situation when it comes to leadership, a situation that needs to be addressed and so those three aspects are what make up effective leadership. References Polelle, M. (2008). Leadership: Fifty great leaders and the worlds they made. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Glanz, J. (2002). Finding your leadership style: A guide for educators. Alexandria, Va: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Tracy, B. (2014). Leadership. New York, NY: AMACOM. Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Sadler, P. (2003). Leadership. London: Kogan Page Ltd. DuBrin, A. J. (2011). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A day in the life of a nurse

A day in the life of a nurse If you ask your favorite nurse what a typical workday is like, you might get a laugh. No day is â€Å"typical† in the healthcare world, with all the different kinds of situations (both emergency and not) that you may be facing on any given shift. But if you’re thinking about becoming a nurse, it’s important to think about what to expect on the job. So based on stories of real-life nurses, here’s what you might expect to see and do on a typical shift. Nurses can work any time of day, but let’s look at a day shift’s responsibilities and tasks for a hospital nurse. The early wake-upMany daytime nursing shifts start early (often by 7 a.m.), so that means the snooze button is not your friend. Exercise, breakfast, coffee, shower- whatever the morning routine is, it may be happening well before the rest of the world is ready to motivate for the day. If you’re more of a â€Å"saunter in ten minutes late, check your email† kind of person , then nursing might not be the ideal career choice.Checking inA hospital isn’t like a factory, where one shift ends before another starts and no communication needs to happen. The night nurses and the day nurses are a team, and making sure that patients get seamless care means that there’s a daily handoff of information at the start of every shift. The day nurse gets intel on what happened overnight, if patients have specific needs, or if there’s anything important that the nurse needs to know for his or her shift. This is also a chance for the nurse to read up on any physician notes, examine patient charts, prepare for their roster of patients, and review assignments and instructions. This may include checking email, coordinating schedules for the day with doctors, arranging for particular tests, or setting up equipment. Basically, everything that will keep the shift better organized happens up front.This is also a chance for the nurse to check supplies and in ventory too, to make sure they have enough for a shift. This is especially crucial in the emergency room or intensive care wards, where a high-stress situation could arise at any time and when you least want to run low on basic supplies. Everything the nurse does for a patient is usually noted, updated, and charted right away- you don’t want to risk not making an important note on a patient, then getting sidetracked by something else.Morning roundsA lot can happen between shifts, so much of the morning is spent checking in with each patient (new or existing) and tracking their status. It’s common to do bloodwork in the morning, do glucose tests for diabetic patients, take vital signs, etc. Nurses also administer any scheduled medications for their patients during this time. If patients need to be prepped for procedures, it’ll often happen in the morning.Patients that are ready to be discharged from the hospital are ready for their exit procedures, like getting d octor sign-off, removing IVs or other equipment, processing any last tests (like vital signs or bloodwork to confirm that they can safely be discharged), and educating patients (or their family members) on any follow-up care needs.On these morning rounds, nurses also typically help their patients with daily living tasks, like eating breakfast (for patients who can’t do it themselves), bathing, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, or walking around.Mid-day/lunchLunchtime for nurses is rarely a set time period. Obviously eating lunch is necessary if you want to keep up your energy, but having the time to do it can be a luxury when you’re dealing with an endless list of patients who have immediate needs all day. Many nurses grab a quick bite somewhere nearby (either in the hospital or close by) when they can. Lunchtime could be cut short by an emergency or just a bustling schedule. Meal times and personal time during the day are definitely at a premium for nurses, depe nding on the workload and the type of facility where you work. A clinic with set appointments is likely very different from a hospital or urgent care situation, when you could be needed at any time. Strategic food (like something you bring from home and can eat fast if necessary, or food you can grab from the cafeteria) is key.Afternoon roundsMuch like the morning rounds, afternoon rounds are kicked off by a check-in process to see if there are new patients, if patients have been discharged, or if any patent’s status has changed since the morning. Nurses do a new round of checking in with each patient, reviewing their charts for updates, making notes as necessary, and again- keeping close track of everything happening with his or her patients. Afternoon is also time for a new round of meds being distributed to patients, as well as any follow-up tests or previously scheduled procedures. Nurses help prep the patients as needed.The afternoon might also include visiting hours, so nurses are often tasked with updating family members on a patient’s condition, educating them about what the patient’s medical needs will be once he or she leaves, and answering patient questions.For a post-surgical ward, nurses may also start seeing an influx of patients coming out of surgery and recovery. The nurse follows up with surgeons and physicians as necessary, setting up each patient for his or her next tests, procedures, or milestones. The nurse is also likely to help with things like changing bandages or dressing and ensuring that these post-surgical patients are comfortable.And if there’s time in between all of these many tasks, the afternoon may have some chances to catch up on administrative tasks like patient charts, making notes, or email. But like with lunch or personal breaks, there’s never really a guarantee that the nurse will have a full chunk of time to sit down and attend to these things.Checking outJust like at the beginning of t he day, the end of the day sees the shift handover process between day nurses and night nurses. There’s the nurse-to-nurse download of information, either in person or via detailed notes and patient charts. The day isn’t over just yet- the nurse needs to make sure that the transition to the next shift goes just as seamlessly as his or her own shift started in the morning so that patients are getting consistent care. That means checking and double-checking the patient information to make sure everything’s as accurate and clear as it can be.Before leaving, the nurse may also start prepping for the next day’s shift: reviewing appointments, checking email, reviewing assignments. At that point, the nurse gets to leave, only to start the process again in about 12 hours.What a nurse’s day is like can vary in a few different ways. For example, a home nurse will have a different set of tasks than a hospital nurse, who will have a different day than a nurse in a private practice. And no matter what a nurse does and where he or she does it, there’s always the unpredictability of working in the medical world. You always need to be sharp, and ready for emergencies or urgent needs- patients don’t care if you were out late last night or if you really just need a mental break for a few minutes to clear your head. It’s an incredibly demanding field, but can be a highly rewarding one.And if you’re thinking about taking on this daily nursing life, we have the tools to help you get started.How to Become a Labor and Delivery NurseThe Complete Stress Management Guide for Nurses14 Things You Need to Know as a New NurseTop 3 Survival Traits of New NursesJob Spotlight: Clinical NurseCreate a Winning Registered Nurse ResumeHow Long Does It Take to Become a Nurse?What You Need to be a Stellar Nurse

Sunday, November 24, 2019

EEA environment of evolutionary adaptation Essay Example

EEA environment of evolutionary adaptation Essay Example EEA environment of evolutionary adaptation Paper EEA environment of evolutionary adaptation Paper Since males are motivated to maximise their reproductive success also, they need to first display their willingness and ability to provide what the choosy female needs, from which they may be selected as suitable this is known as INTRA-SEXUAL selection, whereby males must compete amongst themselves to be selected by the female i.e. the female has evolved to become the choosier of the sexes, since she has more to lose. However, the male, in attempting to maximise his reproductive success must also safeguard his investment (time, effort, resources, etc) by selecting a female who can give him what he needs beautiful and healthy children who will survive to reproduce themselves. However, reproduction is not the sole motivator for relationships because some couples may not want to have children and in some other relationships (gay and lesbian relationships) it is physically impossible to have offspring naturally, also couples that have children from previous relationships may not want to have any more children, therefore the theories can not be applied in this situation. INTER-SEXUAL selection may also be used to explain human mate choice and gender specific preferences, whereby each sex has evolved success criteria for the opposite sex, based on what they need from one another. From here, both males and females accept or reject a potential mate, i.e. since females have evolved to become choosier, males might be motivated to display such characteristics, whilst females must also indicate their viability as a potential mate to ensure her own reproductive success. Such selection in both sexes leads to definite preferences for a mate males use indicators of viability and fertility and so look for signals of this, including youthfulness and health. Females, in contrast motivated by their need for provision search for indicators of this, looking for status and resources, together with a willingness to invest. This is, again thought to be based on sex differences in parental investment. Buss (1999) to some extent magnified the gender differences and failed to highlight the many similarities between genders, e.g. the fact that kindness and inelligence were rated as equally important by both genders. The links to a criticism levelled at many evolutionary psychologists, which is that they are highly selective in their use of research evidence, which brings its validity into question. Since it seems that both males and females have definite preferences in mind, and given that when advertising themselves in lonely hearts males and females tend to emphasise what it is we think the opposite sex wants, it is worth noting that certain signals are given out by both males and females in their everyday lives. For example, waist to hip ratio (valued by men) can be emphasised by women using belts, shapewear, etc. Upper body strength in males can be shown by tighter fitting clothes, shoulder pads, etc However, a lot of signals can be dishonest and therefore indicate a good body, youthfulness and trying to make yourself seem more attractive, examples of these dishonest signals is plastic surgery, you can cover up wrinkles and ageing by having plastic surgery this can trick your potential partner to think you are more attractive and younger than you actually are. Makeup can cover imperfections and attract males. The origins of human reproductive strategies is thought to be the EEA environment of evolutionary adaptation. During this time, males who mated with young ( therefore more fertile) females would have enjoyed greater reproductive success. Similarly, females who selected high status males who were capable and willing to invest their resources would have, in turn, become more reproductively successful. Therefore modern day reproductive behaviours operate by accepting or rejecting potential mates on their perceived ability to fulfil our evolutionary needs.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Saudi Arabia water problem Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Saudi Arabia water problem - Term Paper Example According to Bragg and Bragg (2005), the oceans contain about 97% of the entire water on the earths’ surface; in Saudi Arabia, water has been supplied in three forms, mainly surface water, which accounts for about 10%, the underground aquifers that provide the majority percentage of more than 80%, and the various desalination plants, which provide about 5% of water. The availability of essential water supply continued to deplete and the water resources become limited, prompting the adoption of desalination plants. Natural resources define all the resources that occur freely within the environment that exist in a natural form, such as natural forests, minerals, water, and natural gases. 1. Background Desalination refers to the several processes of conversion of salt water to fresh water through the removal of salt and other minerals. Several approaches are used to treat seawater including thermal evaporation of seawater and use of modern desalination plants, osmosis in reverse. Nanomembranes are filters made from organic polymers with less thickness that are used to separate the liquids and gases at the molecular levels. Such technology is also used in desalination of seawater, purification of polluted water, and the removal of carbon dioxide and other pollutants from exhaust gases. The modern technology adopted in Saudi Arabia has enabled the exploitation of underground water by companies such as Saudi Aramco, an oil company, and hence increasing availability of water in the country. 2. Desalination process In Saudi Arabia, there has been water scarcity because of the rising population, which led to the adoption of desalination technology through the development of modern polymer materials producing semi-permeable membranes, which allow selective passage of water and other ions. The technology is categorized according to content extracted (water or salt from the main stream), separation process, and the energy used in the entire process (Anon, 1997). Eva porative processes have been used for extraction of fresh water from the mainstream. Such evaporative desalination processes consist of various methods. Multi stage flash (MSF) method involves the evaporation of seawater in chambers with low pressure as compared to the vapor pressure. The low-grade steam from the turbines heats the tubes within the distiller, which heat the seawater intake. The heated seawater then passes into low-pressure vessels, and boils into steam. The steam is condensed on heat exchanger tubes, which are cooled by the incoming water, feed to the heater. The conversion of seawater to steam depends on the pressure maintained within the vessel. In multiple effect distillation (MED), condensing steam heats tube bundles, resulting into evaporation. The vapor produced is used as steam in the next chamber operating at low pressure and temperature (Micale, Cipollina and Rizzuti, 2009). B. Nano membrane technology